… bringing the joy of the Lord to the World
Who we are

Bringing the joy of the lord to the world and certainty to the uncertain through, music, practical teaching of the word of God. To build a youth ministry where leaders would be made for the next generation (investing in people).

To build a church befitting for children of God with like minds, to come together to worship God, freely based on the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures. To also empower God’s people to be entrepreneurs, and to live a true and free life as liberated children of God making changes wherever they find themselves in the world, as well as being spiritually self-reliant.
School of Discipleship is a training platform designed to equip Christian with skills and knowledge for leadership in the body of Christ for the furtherance of the gospel. The course is designed over modules and has a practical application.
Generation NEXT is a melting point of space, idea, belief, creativity, faith, and godly education. Here, God rules while the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs are our super heroes and role models.
JLC is a non-denominational co-op birthed in 2012. This club welcomes individuals who incline to the reason for Christ mission to save and feed His flock.
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Pastor Larry's dream of clean souls and homes
City Lives Denise McNamara meets Pastor Larry Ovie of the Faith Christian Fellowship Ministry. Pastor Larry Ovie has been at the forefront of a number of tragedies in the African community in recent years, visibly leading his flock in grief.
However locating the leader of the Faith Christian Fellowship Ministry proved quite an honorous task on a rainy, dark Wednesday evening. Hidden among car dealerships, garages, window suppliers, and fitters, lies the first African Pentecostal church to be set up in Galway.
My Life, My Prayer: 360 – Degree Life Turn Around Recipe
Revealed knowledge is the antidote to deception. The greatest obstacle to success is deception; this book will open you up to every pitfall that could trip you on your way to fulfilling your purpose in life.
This book is a combination of our life experience and revealed knowledge from above. We have carefully written this book as a step by step guide, that can lead everyone to true success in life.It does not matter what stage you are in life a 360-degree turn around can be achieved. We recommend that you read every chapter of this book and follow all the guidance and be ready for the testimony of your life.
About the authors:
Pastor Dr. Larry and Pastor Gloria Ovie are dedicated servants of God and the senior pastors of Faith Christian Fellowship Ministry and Larry Ovie Ministry, global. They have extensive knowledge of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Community development. Their goal is to bring everyone to a clean home and clean soul; bringing the joy of the Lord to the world.

The power of a circle
“Pastor Larry Ovie builds up families, nurtures the young and protects the vulnerable. He is very much aware of satan actively prowling through the world and he rises to the challenge to engage satan wherever he sees or senses his presence. This book is a textbook for those who wish to strengthen their faith or even find a fresh one. Read this book and prepare to be changed.”
Rev. Patrick TowersSt Nicholas Collegiate Galway, Ireland
“Success in life was not designed to be accidental. You must be influenced to succeed, and I want you to realise this important fact: YOU WILL NEVER GROW BEYOND THE INFLUENCE OF THE CIRCLE TO WHICH YOU BELONG, and that is why you must seek to upgrade your circle.”
Pastor Larry Ovie is a man sent by God to spread the joy of the Lord to the world. A musician, teacher and author, he travels across the world with the ministry of the Word and God’s power, transforming lives and solving problems. He is the president of Larry Ovie Ministries and general overseer of De House of Royal Ministries, a network of churches in Europe and Africa.

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Words of wisdom from the General Overseer
Reflection point
You cannot grow beyond what you know
Facts you must know
The day you die there is no more repentance
Realities of life
Many are stranded because they don't have the word of God inside of them.
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