Generation next

Our goal is to raise kids of strong reputation of strength, courage and character through Godly goal setting, Godly Living, personality development. Our strategy is creating a fun, creative and interactive spiritual space for kids where are taught to fuse early on, into their daily living, the essential spiritual development they need to become the best that God has made them to be, knowing that God loves and created them uniquely.

GenerationNext is a melting point of space, idea, belief, creativity, faith and Godly education. Here, God rules while the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs are our super heroes and role models.

We know that our kids are the apples of God’s eyes and as God Himself said in Jeremiah 1:5

Before He formed them in the womb, He knew them, and has set them apart and appointed as a prophet to the nations even before they were born. We also know the devil’s only mission is frustrate the brilliant and glorious destinies of our children, essentially Generation Next core focus is how to get them, before the society and devil does.

We have designed a range of fun and spiritual activities such as:
· GenerationNext Sunday school
· GenerationNext Music group
· Monthly Hot Seat Bible quiz
· The Generation Next monthly project.

Generation Next determines to read the Bible in one year, through an organised programme including Evaluation Games, Yearly Summer Camps.

GenerationNext Staff Position

Pastor Gloria Ovie – GenerationNext Coordinator
Sister Aisha – Artistic Director
Barr. David Adeyeye – International Coordinator

Our Mission

To build a church befitting for children of God with like minds, to come together to worship God, freely based on the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures. To also empower God’s people to be entrepreneurs, and to live a true and free life as liberated children of God making changes wherever they find themselves in the world, as well as being spiritually self-reliant.

Generation next


"All you need is Jesus!"

When you don't trust God to do things on your behalf, you are taking the power from Him to help you move the mountain         - Pastor Dr Larry Ovie

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