One of the first Pentecostal churches in the city of Galway
Galway is the second largest city in Ireland situated in the west, with a geometric increase of immigrants living within and around its suburb. Few years ago, the city welcomed various migrants ranging from Africans, Caribbean and even the Eastern Europeans with an intention to encourage multicultural interaction and allow an economic impact. At this time, the FCFM sprung up in the Eglington Hotel, Salthill, Galway as a result of many immigrants coming together to fellowship and share prayers which eventually made the church, one of the first Pentecostal churches in the city of Galway in early 2001.
Various Pentecostal churches started subsequently, following an amplified number of immigrants into the country, the Irish community is usually not exposed to this kind of worship and service to God as Ireland was predominantly a Catholic country. This process of church formation continued intensively and the Gospel began to broaden more from one part of Ireland to another hence the amalgamation of churches that we experience in this present day Galway .
FCFM is the first church to introduce combined worship for churches in Galway in December 2004 titled “Galway for Christ”, it was an experience that many would want to experience again and again.

The FCFM would be remembered by Galwegian with the “Passion of Christ” drama procession every Easter Good Friday, 3pm on Shop Street with the Senior Pastor, Larry Ovie acting the role, JESUS. The drama was organised in collaboration with the St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, under the leadership of the Rector, Reverend Patrick Towers. During the procession, many stopped by, to remind themselves of the humiliation, condemnation and crucifixion of Christ. The drama comprises of different casts ranging from Roman soldiers, Pontius Pilate, crying women, etc. These casts were selected from members of the Faith Christian Fellowship Ministry and St. Nicholas Collegiate Church. The drama usually ends with Gospel music in the St. Nicholas Cathedral.
FCFM has grown exceptionally with consistent families who are committed to this great vision and shared love and fellowship amongst themselves.
Every Sunday is like a Christmas celebration for families; Entertainment and Refreshments after every service with warmth welcome to first timers. Culture they say is an identity of a nation, to this end, the Church regularly organise Cultural Sunday to celebrate the diverse cultures of its members, this colourful event has transformed the lives of many in different ways.
The “Friday Talk show” that represents the Bible Studies is an activity the members never wants to miss because of its exciting topics and freedom of expression encouraged by the motivators (Practical Christianity is the right word for it).
However, FCFM have been privilege to move from different locations in Galway showing all manner of Christ-like love everywhere they worshipped. The disadvantage of moving all instruments and belongings have motivated members to finally seek for a permanent worship location – The Tower House, Liosban Estate Galway city, Co. Galway.

Our Purpose for the Community
This great vision and mission was given to the man who has left virtually everything to serve the almighty God. Pastor Larry Ovie came into Ireland in 2001 and had a divine calling to put this great work together through a selfless service.
The vision: Bringing the joy of the lord to the world and certainty to the uncertain through, music, practical teaching of the word of God. To build a youth ministry where leaders would be made for the next generation (investing in people).
The Mission: To build a church befitting for children of God with like minds, to come together to worship God, freely based on the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures. To also empower God’s people to be entrepreneurs, and to live a true and free life as liberated children of God making changes wherever they find themselves in the world, as well as being spiritually self-reliant.
God has raised Him to be a blessing in this generation and many have experienced love and friendship through Pastor Larry Ovie as a person. He gave up a successful business to propagate God’s Kingdom on Earth.
Welcome to the Faith Arena
You are invited to visit FCFM for any of our Sunday, weekly and monthly services. The Ministry has been known for celebrating various Christian events to lift souls and encourage families, avail yourself of an opportunity to celebrate with us., visit our various ways of outreach; Sunday services LIVE from the Faith Arena (www.ustream.tv and search for fcfgm video clips), Facebook page www.facebook.com with ID name: fcfm_ie@yahoo.ie. Catch us on www.youtube.com videos by searching for fcfministry.
God would continually shower His Blessings upon you and your family. Amen
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Pastor Larry prays for you
Pastor Larry Ovie is a man sent by God to spread the joy of the Lord to the world. A musician, teacher and author, he travels across the world with the ministry of the Word and God’s power, transforming lives and solving problems.
He is the president of Larry Ovie Ministries and general overseer of De House of Royal Ministries, a network of churches in Europe and Africa.

Pastor Gloria
Pst Mrs. Gloria Ovie is co-senior pastor of Faith Christian Fellowship Ministry, Galway.
A lover of our Lord Jesus Christ.
A woman with a great heart for the things of the Lord. She is a teacher of the WORD and a teacher by profession.
Prayers for Firstborn with Pastor Gloria
She is the convener of the annual “Prayer Summit for First born, Ireland”
A servant leader whose only desire is making God’s name known and fulfilling God’s will.

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